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When your first word is “Batman”, it’s either a sign you should be working in comics or become a superhero. Having no superpowers or wealth to afford crime-fighting gadgets, Todd Jones decided to be a comic writer instead. He has worked on Pandemonium Spotlight for Twilight Star Studios, All-Star Pulp for Airship 27/ Redbud Studios, as well as Wicked Awesome Tales, STAKES and Classic Monsters As Sharks for Wicked Awesome Comics. Todd currently resides in Colorado with his two dogs.

Publisher/Group Affiliation:  Wicked Awesome Comics, Airship 27/Redbud Studios, and Twilight Star Studios

Years Active:  2009-Present

Available For Commission:  Yes, contact for rates.

Influences:  I don't think I could choose a favorite writer or artist. It depends on what I am in the mood for at the time, much like wanting tacos one day but craving pizza the next. 

I've fallen in love with a great many comics over the years but here are seven favorites that come to mind:
1. The Amazing Spider-Man
2. Saga
3. Rising Stars
4. Strikeforce: Morituri
5. The Green Hornet (NOW Comics)
6. Irredeemable
7. Detective Comics

Published Works:

All-Star Pulp Comics #2
Pandemonium Spotlight #4
Wicked Awesome Tales (ongoing)
Classic Monsters As Sharks


Websites & Social Media:

Wicked Awesome Comics on Comixology

Contact Email:  toddjones74@hotmail.com